Monday, August 17, 2015

Eleanor is TWO!

My Nugget.  She loves singing, Sofia, cheese, fruit, salty treats, her blanket, and hugs.  She completes our family and we enjoyed celebrating her birthday with bubbles and water fun in the backyard. On her real birthday she enjoyed cake by her big sister.  And at her party, a confection prepared by my good friend Kerry!

William Frederick Chapman

Born on July 15, I went to visit him a few weeks later.  Welcome to the family baby William!

What 3/4 of us did on our summer vacation

For the week leading up to the 4th, we were planning to drive as a family down to Atlanta to spend a few days there before heading to Lake Hartwell to relax.  But John started a new job the week before, so three girls loaded on to an airplane and made the journey more quickly, but without our guy.  

It was quite an action packed week.  In Atlanta, we hit the Georgia Aquarium, the pool, and Stone Mountain.

The girls were easy to wrangle in the matching dresses!  Mid-week we met Nana and Papi at the lake.  It was awesome!  We swam and tubed and chased fireflies. 

Then the girls celebrated our Nation's independence in awesome new pajamas from Nana. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

May Days

The days of plastic water features in the yard.  Of flowers and showers.  And of scraped knees and wonder and the prospect of Summer to come!